About Digital Marketing Training

Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based  digital technologies and such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platform’s to promote products and services.

Benefits of social media marketing:

  • Accommodates personalized and direct marketing that targets specific demographics and markets.
  • Companies can engage with customers directly, allowing them to obtain feedback and resolve issues almost immediately.
  • Ideal environment for a company to conduct market research.
  • Allows companies to promote themselves to large, diverse audiences that could not be reached through traditional marketing such as phone and email based advertising.
  • Marketing on most social media platforms comes at little to no cost- making it accessible to virtually any size business

Course Cirrculam

  • Introduction to SEO
  • Types of Search Engines

ON-Page Optimization

  • Introduction
  • How to do ON-Page Optimization
  • Objectives
  • Relevancy and Popularity
  • Meta Title Tags and META Descriptions
  • URL Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Video Optimization
  • Server Optimization
  • Keyword Usage
  • Sitemaps
  • On-Page Don’ts
  • Text-to-HTML Ratio

OFF-Page Optimization

  • Introduction
  • How to do OFF-Page Optimization
  • Objectives
  • Signals of Popularity
  • Principles of Link Building
  • Link – Worthy Content
  • Off – site Engagement
  • Offline Relationships
  • Types of Links
  • Rel=” nofollow”
  • Link Building Don’ts

Duplicate Content

  • Introduction
  • What’s In It For Me
  • Objectives
  • What Is Duplicate Content
  • Common Instances
  • Fixing Duplicate Content

Keyword Research and Competitive Analysis

  • Introduction
  • What’s In It For Me
  • Objectives
  • User Intent
  • Not Provided
  • Performing Keyword Research
  • Two Types of Queries
  • Short Tail: Pros and Cons
  • Long Tail: Pros and Cons
  • Competitive Analysis Overview
  • Factors to Analyze
  • B2B vs B2C

Design and Architecture

  • Introduction
  • What’s In It For Me
  • Objectives
  • Design Best Practices
  • Designing for Search Engines
  • Importance of Design
  • Introduction to Social Media
  • Making the Message Stick and Spread
  • Social Media Channels
  • Engaging With Influencers
  • Listening and Reputation Management
  • Social Media Measurement
  • Integrating Social Media with Other Disciplines
  • Introduction to Content Marketing
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Overseeing a Content Marketing Program
  • Content Marketing Tactics
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Measurement and Budget
  • Introduction to Email Marketing
  • Spam
  • List building and List Management
  • Elements of an Email
  • The Process of Measuring Email
  • Marketing Automation
  • Integrating Email with other disciplines
  • Mobile Products and Services
  • Incentives and Loyalty Programs
  • Location Opportunities
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Communicating with Mobile Audiences
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Mobile Measurement
  • Integrating Mobile and Other Disciplines
  • Introduction to PPC
  • Account Hierarchy
  • The Buying Funnel
  • The PPC Auction
  • PPC Targeting Options
  • Introducing Keywords
  • Creating Compelling Ads
  • Measuring Goals and Bidding Options
  • PPC Account Audit
  • Integrating PPC with Other Disciplines
  • Introduction to AdWords
  • Account Structure
  • Keywords & Match Types
  • Creating Text & Search Ads
  • Ad Extensions
  • Display Ads
  • Display Targeting
  • Campaign Types & Settings
  • Advertising Metrics
  • Bidding & Bid Modifiers
  • Quality Score
  • AdWords Reports
  • AdWords Tools
  • Optimizing Your Account
  • Understanding Facebook
  • Facebook Presence and The News Feed Alogorithm
  • Visual and Video Content on Facebook
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Facebook Advertising


  • YouTube and Video Marketing
  • Establishing a Video Marketing Strategy
  • Gaining Exposure and Measuring Impact
  • Leveraging Mobile Video
  • Promoting and Measuring Mobile Video
  • Understanding Twitter
  • Using Twitter as a Marketer
  • Customer Service and Engagement Via Twitter
  • Marketing on Twitter
  • Understanding Twitter Advertising
  • Twitter Ad Options
  • Advanced Table Filtering
  • Analytics Intelligence
  • Mobile Application Tracking
  • Multiple Goals and Goal Types
  • Tracking Unique Visitors
  • Custom Data Alerts
  • Identify the Known Unknowns & Leverage Custom Alerts
  • UTM Tracking Parameters Part 1: Tracking Parameter Concepts
  • UTM Tracking Parameters Part 2: Tracking Parameter Examples
  • Universal Analytics
  • Enhanced Ecommerce

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